Current BOE Interest Rate: 4.75% Total Products: 1371

Details page of 5 year - Bank of Ireland UK

Bank name: Bank of Ireland UK
Product code: ACEX
Product type: 5 year
Rate: 4.98% fixed
Until: 30/06/2029
Fee: £995
Available between: £25,001-£750,000
Min LTV(%): 60%
Max LTV(%): 60%
Complete by: -
Additional info: -
Overall cost for comparison: 6.5% APRC
Cashback: £0
Initial Pay Rate: -
Follow on rate: -
ERC: 4% until 30/06/2026 then 3% until 30/06/2028 then 2% until 30/06/2029
ERC term: -
BRM: -
Credit criteria: -
Product name: -
Loan purpose: -
Incentives: -
Reversion margin: -
ICR calculation rate: -
Availability: -
Overpayments: -
Mortgage type: -